Welcome to All Saints Catholic Collegiate
Dear Parents and carers,
On behalf of the staff and pupils of All Saints Catholic Collegiate (ASCC), it gives me great pleasure to share some information about the collaboration and partnerships which we have established since the formation of the Multi Academy Trust.
Our vision for the ASCC is to provide consistent, high quality Catholic education for all children and young people from aged 3-19 years. This consistency of approach is secured by the Gospel values and our Catholic beliefs which underpin our delivery of the curriculum in each academy. Teaching and learning is enhanced by the collaboration between staff across the MAT; sharing ideas, observing practice in each academy, planning and assessing children’s work, and developing Catholic leaders for the future are just some of the benefits of working together. For primary pupils, the opportunities to work with staff from St. Thomas More begin at the earliest opportunity through visits to the school, secondary colleagues teaching in primaries and providing specialist guidance for staff; this provides pupils with a flavour of secondary education and inspires them to learn alongside older students.
By the end of their primary education in Year 6, our children are exceptionally well-prepared for transition into secondary education, which we aim to be seamless. Staff from all five schools meet to plan the next steps for individuals, or groups of pupils, so that additional support is provided from the outset of admission into Year 7. We believe that this close and effective partnership provides the best possible transition for the next crucial stage of their education.
We hope that you will browse the website, participate in events and familiarise yourselves with the broad range of opportunities available for your child throughout their learning journey and experiences within the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Margaret Yates OBE (Hon.Dr Univ:NPQH.NLE)
Chief Executive Officer
Accounting Officer
All Saints Catholic Collegiate
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Academy Representatives of our five academies I would like to welcome you all to the All Saints Catholic Collegiate website.
As directors we are responsible for providing a clear strategic direction for the development of our academies. Routed in our Catholic faith, we provide a strong framework of accountability, robust scrutiny of academic performance and most importantly, promote the happiness, wellbeing and safety of our students.
We are passionate about creating an inspiring culture of ambition, achievement and learning that will help all our children and young people to achieve their full potential.
Our academies have a rich history of spiritual and academic growth and we aim to continue and improve on this tradition.
Anne Middleton Hill
Chair of the Board of Directors
All Saints Catholic Collegiate